jack's vision

mutare mangwana

Jack’s Vision has three seperate pieces that all respondent to the story of Jack, Kingsley Fairbridge’s trusted helper, who also was responsible to locating the visioning of Mutare.

Chirem(b)a began in 2010 as i was confronted by the memory of this monument of Kingsley Fairbridge and what it signifacntly represented. It also was my own personal connection to the mountain that i climbed several years in my youth. Mutare Mangwana came out of a collaboration with Dr. Hleziphi Naomie Nyanungo and Kumbulani Zamuchiya. The three of us all at one point in our lives lived in both spaces - Mutare and Old Mutare.

jack's vision, installation at Power House Production, Detroit, 2012

The project became possible with the help of individuals from the city of Detroit and Mutare (as well as others accross the globe) and in partnership with the National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Mutare, Mutare-Haarlem Cit-yLink, and Power House Productions LLC, Detroit, USA.

chido johnson
chirem(b)a chirem(b)a mutare mangwana mutare mangwana